Writing Objectives and Key Results: A Comprehensive Guide

For many teams, writing effective OKRs involves setting ambitious goals that go beyond what you and your team think you are capable of achieving. However, it is important to remember that success does not always mean reaching the 100% mark. Celebrating successes, even if they are not 100%, is key to keeping your team motivated. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are designed to facilitate growth, improvement, and alignment within teams and organizations.

The acronym itself gives an idea of how the framework works: objectives are set, followed by key results that measure progress towards the goal. With Weekdone's OKR software, you can easily set up connections between company and team objectives and complete them with key results that indicate whether you have achieved your goals. When setting objectives, it is important to make sure they are final and have a time limit. Additionally, key results should be quantitative and measurable outcomes that represent valuable business change.

This will help you track progress towards the goal without needing an explanation. The framework of Objectives and Key Results did not appear suddenly; other goal management techniques such as MBO (Management by Objectives), SMART goals, and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) had been used before. In Weekdone, you can use the lens detail page to get a bird's-eye view of a particular lens. Progress on Key Results should be monitored and discussed weekly to ensure better prioritization of initiatives and continuous alignment within a team.

When setting company objectives, it is important to make sure they are high-level areas of improvement in which several teams can contribute through their daily work and long-term projects. Once the company objectives have been set, they should be filtered into individual OKRs for each different department. OKRs are meant to inspire your team, but it is important to make sure they are not completely unattainable. There is a very fine line between the two, so it is important to celebrate successes even if you don't achieve 100% of the key results.