What is the Objectives and Key Results System?

The Objectives and Key Results (OKR) system is a goal-setting framework used by individuals, teams, and organizations to define measurable objectives and track their results. It was first introduced by Andrew Grove and is now widely used by companies such as Google. OKRs are designed to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals, with key results that are time-limited to ensure they are completed promptly. The system also provides a transparent and objective performance evaluation mechanism, with employees encouraged to set ambitious goals and document progress with backup data.

OKRs are composed of objectives, which are the desired outcomes, and key results, which are the measurable steps taken to achieve the objectives. When setting OKRs, teams should start by setting 1-3 overall company goals and 1-3 team OKRs. Metrics for the key results should be established at the beginning of the quarter and tracked throughout. If an objective lasts longer than a quarter, the key results should evolve as the work progresses.

Weekdone's OKR software makes it easy to set up connections between company and team objectives and complete them with key results that indicate whether you've achieved your goals. Everyone on the team knows exactly how their key results contribute to the company's goal, making it easy for that key outcome to stay in mind during the OKR quarter. OKRs are an effective way for teams and organizations to facilitate growth, improvement, and alignment. They provide a simple tool for creating alignment and engagement around measurable goals, while also helping to track progress and performance.

With OKRs, employees are encouraged to set very high goals and document progress toward successful completion of key results with backup data.