When implementing OKRs, leaders must publicly commit to their objectives and stand firm. The OKR is a methodology that really helps to break down the objectives and, as has been said before, measures the actions. With this tool, you can make everything clear for each team, since OKRs are a visual representation of the organization's situation and the direction in which they want to move forward. OKRs work best when there is full transparency within the organization.
In other words, everyone should be able to see everyone's OKRs. There should be no “secret OKRs”. Team leaders must inculcate a culture of responsibility among team members in order for the system to work. This means that each person must be aware of the key objectives or results that have been assigned to them and update the progress of their OKRs on a weekly basis (at least).
SugarOKR contributes to this even more by automatically sending everyone weekly email reminders to check their OKRs. One of the best parts of intelligent objective management software is actionable analysis. Monitoring OKRs without analysis is of little or no use, since the comments will not be accurate. Obtaining critical information about individual performance and alignment with organizational objectives can drive development initiatives that lead to a greater culture of growth in all areas.
To increase this learning curve, it is recommended that teams and departments meet to review their OKRs and send feedback to each other. They may have researched, planned everything well and encouraged the whole company to start adopting the OKR framework; but when it comes to the chosen tool, they end up using spreadsheets and documents to manage their OKRs. If you're a startup or small company that wants something simpler, lighter and more cost-effective (even free), dedicated OKR platforms, such as SugarOKR and Weekdone, are good options to start. Setting OKRs and measuring them is great for your teams and your organization, however, keep in mind that OKR performance is very different from employee performance.
And since OKR requires a change in the way all members of an organization approach work, if senior managers lack coherence and commitment to that change, the rest of the organization probably won't. OKR is a new language and, to avoid confusion and ensure that everyone speaks the same language, the entire organization must receive training on the framework. This structure can include the number of key results you should include in each objective, the number or frequency of OKR progress checks, and how OKRs are created throughout the company, as well as in individual teams. SugarOKR is a free, beautiful, simple and easy-to-use OKR management tool that helps teams harness the full potential of OKRs, while staying focused and motivated.
OKR is a powerful tool that helps teams and organizations successfully meet their overall objectives and objectives. An inadequate understanding of the OKR implementation process will only result in significant waste of time, energy and resources. OKR is not a “set it and forget” framework, but it must be at the forefront at all times in order to achieve the success of your organization. The features of the OKR product are complemented by weekly planning, initiatives and KPIs, to promote employee engagement and increase focus week after week.
If you work with the Perdoo software, your employees have full access to the organization's strategy and the objectives (OKR and KPI) that will offer it. Be sure to hold OKR review team meetings every month to summarize lessons learned and adjust tactical approaches to the Objective.