Measuring Key Results: A Comprehensive Guide

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a popular goal-setting system used by many companies to measure progress and performance. OKRs are composed of objectives, which are the desired outcomes, and key results, which are the measurable milestones that indicate progress towards the objectives. To accurately measure key results, it is important to understand the OKR format and how to differentiate between value-based and activity-based results. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to measure key results and avoid common mistakes. To calculate a score for a key result, divide the established objective by the final result.

For example, if the objective is to get 100 customers but only 50 are acquired, the score would be 0.5.This score can then be used to assign a grade to the key result. It is important to note that each set of objectives should have three to five key results. When measuring key results, it is important to focus on value-based results rather than activity-based results. Activity-based results usually begin with verbs such as launch, create, develop, deliver, build, implement, define, release, test, prepare and plan. Value-based results are direct evidence of the objective and can be measured by setting an initial value and a target value.

It is also important to remember that completing all of the key results does not guarantee that the goal will be achieved. If this is the case, it may be necessary to adjust the objectives or key results in order to better measure what matters. Finally, it is important for teams to define roles and establish objectives and key results on a regular basis in order to ensure that progress is being made towards achieving goals.