When it comes to research documents, key findings and results are often used interchangeably. The purpose of the Results section is to present the key results objectively, without interpretation and in an orderly and logical sequence, using illustrative materials (tables and figures) and text. The key results depend on the questions asked; they may include trends, differences, similarities, correlations, highs, lows, etc. The body of the Results section should provide a textual description of the key findings that includes references to each of the tables and figures.
The amount of text used will depend on how much interpretation of tables and figures is necessary and how many examples the reader needs to understand the importance of the findings. The text should guide the reader through the results, emphasizing the key results that provide answers to the questions researched. A good strategy is to write down, in a draft of each table or figure, the one or two key results that you want to address in the text part of the Results. Tables and figures are essential components of the Results section.
Separating data into separate graphs focusing on specific aspects makes it easier for the reader to evaluate the findings, while consolidating this information into a single figure saves space and makes it easier to find the most relevant results. By writing clearly and concisely and by highlighting and explaining crucial findings of their study, authors can increase the impact and effectiveness of their research manuscripts. Prepare tables and figures as soon as all data are analyzed and organize them in a sequence that best presents your findings logically. All findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the discussion section and in the Results section).