The “Objective” defines the business result that you strive to achieve.
Objectives and Key Results
(OKR) are intended to drive and evaluate change rather than maintaining the status quo. They are a special type of KPI, with objectives pointing to the desired state and key results measuring progress towards it. OKR is a goal-setting system that aims to improve business results, and is used in SAFe to describe strategic topics at the portfolio level. In SAFe, strategic topics represent the breakdown of business objectives, linking business strategy to the SAFe portfolio.To optimally link SAFe and the OKR framework to maximize value delivery, it is necessary to reflect the OKR process and its cycle. Strategic themes reflect the expected business results, strategy, investment and portfolio vision. In Scrum and SAFe there are other more results-oriented objective systems, such as Sprint Goals and PI Objectives. In Targetprocess, you can optionally link them together to maximize transparency and get the benefits of both. The strategic theme would be placed at the top of a division or business unit as an objective, the measure of success would be the key results, and all contributing teams and functions would have cascading objectives that would be linked to it. SAFe offers many practices for tactical coordination of dependencies at various levels, but SAFe offers little to coordinate and align strategic business value objectives.
Therefore, it is necessary to create objectives with related key results at various levels of your organization and connect them to the work elements (such as epics or features) and the goals of Scrum Sprint or the objectives of SAFe PI so that you can easily see the planned or ongoing activities or initiatives to achieve the key results. Instead of having to create an individual objective every time a person influences the outcome of initiatives, all contributors can share information at the objective level or key outcome to capture joint initiatives and contributions. Use Targetprocess's reporting and dashboard creation features to create a clear overview of the status and progress of your key objectives and results. For those who don't know, Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a methodology that sets goals for organizations to set ambitious goals with measurable results. During the diet, you aim to achieve a healthy weight with a body mass index that controls your body mass index (BMI) and reach below 25. Having a set of key results that include countermeasures to drive correct behavior helps to create a clear and sustainable OKR.