What are key result measurements?

The key results are the measures and milestones that indicate how you know you will achieve our goal. Each objective has its own set of key outcomes, with at least 3, but no more than 5, per objective. You can't have a goal without key results, and vice versa. OKR measurement is the process by which specific success criteria are established or scored for key results in order to create success thresholds for the objective.

Key results are a set of metrics that measure your progress toward the goal. For each goal, you should have a set of 2 to 5 key outcomes. More than that and no one will remember them. OKRs, or “objectives and key outcomes,” are a goal-setting methodology that can help teams set measurable goals.

This is where the key results come in handy and allow you to specify exactly what “improving your health” means to you. However, it's still common to see people struggling to understand what good key results are and why it's important to measure them. To understand your OKR reports and determine their success, Rick Klau suggests that one way to evaluate an entire OKR is to average the scores of the key results corresponding to an objective. The way in which success is measured and the degree of ambition to be achieved are defined in the key results and in their measures and objectives.

If your key results can't be measured exactly with numbers, but your goals are more focused on dates, such as “printing the new issue of the magazine ahead of the date*” or “hiring a new IT analyst before the date*”, the score of this KRS will most likely reach the 1.0 mark quite often. Objective and key result Progress and difficulty Taken together, the% of progress and the level of difficulty show how the goal is progressing. KPIs, which stand for key performance indicators, are a way for teams to track the performance of projects and initiatives. Therefore, the title of the key result basically encompasses and communicates in a transparent way the result that you want to achieve.

The score or grade of your objective comes from the difficulty of your key results and is obtained by a simple average of all the key results. By considering your client's goals and overall strategic issues, you can develop key objectives and outcomes that help you measure business objectives accurately and keep your team focused on what matters. Because of the relationship between objectives and key results, OKRs are a better way to think holistically about your goals and their relationship to your work.